Tuesday, September 1, 2009

a different night

We went up the mountain to help a friend of mine from work start a blog. She lost her husband in October and the Lord has shown up for her in miraculous ways. Friends keep asking her to put her journal in a blog. She was telling me about the different feelings she was having about it that she believes were attacks from Satan to try to discourage her from sharing with others. Guess what happened tonight? Her internet was down! We'll just try again next week.

I believe the Lord brought us together because I almost missed meeting her.She came to work at my office last year on the same day that I left on maternity leave, so I only met her briefly and a few times later as I've gone back to visit. We were fast friends because we found out that we go to churches in the same denomination (a pretty small one) and she has a daughter at Covenant. And I don't even work at that office anymore, but she e-mailed me to ask me to help.

Katie was wonderful to us tonight. She bought us pizza at Mr. T's, gave my kids juicy juice to drink and me coke, and helped me take them to the playground when her internet proved not to be working. It was a great evening. Can't wait to try again next week!

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