Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why NOT to go by yourself to the emergency room

Cat's out of the bag with that title. We went the emergency room at the children's hospital last night. Ben has croup. It really wasn't too bad a visit -- about three hours from my front door back to my front door. Hopefully, we won't have to go back, but they said croup is common with babies who were intubated.

Really the worst part was being there alone, and the ONLY reason that was so bad was that I had the taste of garlic in my mouth from Alli's Tastefully Simple part that I went to and I wanted a drink SOOOOO bad, but there was no one to help me get one. I couldn't leave Ben in the room, but I couldn't take him and have no one be there when the doctor came. Plus, I only had a 20, or I would've gotten a drink on the way in.

Anyway, that was our exciting night. Got home at 2am. Am now appropriately tired.

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