Friday, November 6, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Food Analyzer

We had a bunch of flooding last night in our area. Our house is way up on a hill, so we weren't flooded, but a lot of other people around us lost everything. That and Luke talking about fire because he met Smoky the Bear at Home Depot got me thinking a little about how prepared I am for an emergency. I'm NOT!

I just checked out the food analyzer on this website. I'm not really into being prepared for emergencies =), but it's pretty neat because it tells you how long you could live on the non-perishable feed that you have. You can put in how many calories a day that you need for your household, add quantities of items they already have listed, and it will give you a list of the nutritional content of the food you have and how long you could live on it. Kind of handy for planning purposes. I just made a guess of how many items I usually would have in my pantry and it told me I could live for almost 3 days on it. Not too shabby, but no "Katrina" preparedness! This literally took me 3 minutes to do. Just read the instructions -- makes it a lot easier and they're pretty simple. Plus, I got a $10 gift card for looking at it and writing this.

Gift Card Giveaway

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