Thursday, July 23, 2009

Luke's foot

Little Luke may have fractured something in his foot a week ago. Our last night @ the beach with Greg's fam, he jumped off the bunk bed like his cool bigger cousins. Monday morning, when it was still hurting, I took Luke to the pediatrician and he sent us to get an xray of Luke’s foot but couldn’t see anything, but since Luke still could’t walk on it, he put a partial cast on it for a week. At the end of the 7 days, they’ll remove it and see if he can walk and bear weight on it. If not, they’ll send him on to an Orthopedist. The foot has a reddened bump and bruise on the top, on that bone above his insole. He was not to walk on it or swim this week which was hard with his cousins TC and Josiah here – at the same time, they were a big help in entertaining him. While at the hospital for the x-ray, Ben fell off a chair and got a good knot on the back of his head J. It was a challenge managing 4 boys and an infant at the doctor’s office and the hospital all morning, since Luke had to ride in stroller which meant Elsi was being "carried" (worn, actually) so I couldn't deal with Ben bonking his head very easily, but we survived!

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