Saturday, January 5, 2008

An exciting Thursday night

What an exciting Thursday night we had! Luke got a hold of the bottle of children's vitamins AND got the childproof cap off. That was probably about 8pm. I didn't know it until 11pm when I saw children's Tylenol spilled on the floor, as he had also gotten the lid off that. I called poison control and they sent us to the emergency room. Greg was still working, so I took Ben to my friend Heather's and Greg met me at the hospital.

At the ER, they ended up taking his blood 3 times at two hour intervals, starting at about 4 hours from when he took the medicine. It took 1.5 hours to get the tests back. (They also informed us that Poison Control had called Family and Children's Services because there was so much time between when he got the meds and when I called.) I was there with Luke until 6 am, when his iron levels started to go down.

It was a bit scary for us (they called it an overdose) as his iron level was high the first time and higher the second; and scary for Luke as they kept coming back and drawing blood. I was awake the whole time and Luke didn't go to sleep either until 5am. Greg went home about 2:30, after the first iron level report, so at least one of us could get some sleep that night and then I could sleep the next day once he was awake.

Praise the Lord that everything was okay and don't trust the childsafe caps!

1 comment:

lukedavid said...

Hey Essie. Wow, glad he's ok. Hope you guys are able to recover, sleep wise. What is the Children and Family Services?

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