Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Real" Food

Elsi had her first "real" food Tuesday night. She's had rice cereal by
itself and with banana, but last night she had part of what we were
eating, but ground-up of course: rice and yellow squash. She made a
lot of funny faces, spit a lot of it out unintentionally, and seemed
to not quite be able to swallow without gagging at times. We'll
probably wait a few weeks before we try it again or else we'll water
down the food more. We're guessing it was a little too thick for her
current swallowing abilities. It was fun to have her at the table
"eating" with us.

This morning, Ben told Greg he wants three sisters.

1 comment:

Sarah R. said...

guess you guys better get started on that. :-)

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