Friday, December 21, 2007

Ben's Bronchoscopy

Ben had a bronchoscopy Wednesday. They said that his throat is pretty narrow right below his vocal cords, so we now have to go see an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) doctor, who will do another kind of bronchoscopy with a different kind of scope and may be able to take care of the problem at that time with laser to burn off some of the extra tissue or trying to dilate his throat, which I don't know how they do that, but that's what they told me. Didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. Don't know why they didn't send us to the ENT instead of the pulmonologist in the first place, but he's fine for now. The worst part, which is not bad compared to some of our other options, is that we have to go back and do that day all over again with starving the poor boy, sedating home, and making him uncomfortable for a few days. Oh, and his nose bled on my new shirt . . . bummer.

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