Friday, November 2, 2007

Luke's pet peeve

Luke HATES to get a hair stuck in/on his hand. He yells "HAIR!" in a very whiney, loud voice until you get it off. I can't usually figure out what he's saying at first because it sounds like "here."

Tonight when he was in the bath I told him that tomorrow we are going to see Granmama and Granpapa and Auntie, and he said, "Wanna get out," and started climbing out. I had to try to explain that we are not going to see them until tomorrow, which means after he sleeps. "Noooooo!" he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so fun to hang out with you guys...thanks again for helping me! Found out that if you are three and under you get in free at stone mountain attractions. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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